About the Journal

With the support of CNPq and FAPERJ, the INCT Observatório das Metrópoles has been editing the Cadernos Metrópole journal since the late 1990s, in partnership with the Pontíficia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUCSP. With the aim of disseminating the results of comparative analysis between metropolises, the journal publishes texts by researchers and scholars of urban issues, which dialogue with the debate on the effects of socio-spatial transformations in conditioning the political-institutional system of cities and the challenges posed the adoption of management models based on urban governance.

Cadernos Metrópole constitute an invitation to reflection, debate and research on contemporary metropolises and are an important reference for researchers in the areas of Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, Urbanism, Geography, Demography and Social Sciences, standing out among the other journals in these areas, due to their interdisciplinary nature.

Cadernos Metrópole journal focuses on debating issues linked to urbanization processes and the urban issue, in the different forms it takes in contemporary reality.

The Journal is published every four months, with editions published on the first business day of the month, corresponding to January, May and September.


Cadernos Metrópole nº 64: Urbanismo de plataforma | Platform urbanism | Urbanismo de plataforma


Os Editores Científicos e a Comissão Editorial da revista Cadernos Metrópole convidam para a organização do v. 27, nº 64 os pesquisadores das diversas áreas de conhecimento, que abordam a questão urbana e regional, a enviarem textos sobre o tema

Urbanismo de plataforma

Editores: Luiz César de Queiroz Ribeiro e Nelson Diniz

data-limite para envio dos trabalhos: 10 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2024


The Scientific Editors and Editorial Committee of the journal Cadernos Metrópole invite researchers from areas of knowledge that approach the urban and regional issue to send texts to the organization of volume 27, number 64, about the theme

Platform urbanism

Editors: Luiz César de Queiroz Ribeiro and Nelson Diniz

Deadline to send manuscripts: DECEMBER 10, 2024


Los editores de la revista Cadernos Metrópole invitan para la organización del ejemplar v. 27, n. 64, investigadores de diferentes áreas del conocimiento que tratan de la cuestión urbana y regional a enviaren textos que planteen el tema

Urbanismo de plataforma

Editores: Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Nelson Diniz

Fecha-límite para envío de los trabajos: 10 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024


Read more about Cadernos Metrópole nº 64: Urbanismo de plataforma | Platform urbanism | Urbanismo de plataforma

Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 61 (2024): ilegalismos e a produção da cidade
capa cadernos metrópole volume 26 número 61

Daniel Hirata
Lia de Mattos Rocha
Orlando Alves dos Santos Junior

Published: 2024-10-16


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