Urban planning and flooding in Dourados: the distance between reality and legality


  • Bianca Rafaela Fiori Tamporoski
  • Maria Aparecida Martins Alves
  • Luciana Ferreira da Silva
  • Joelson Gonçalves Pereira


urban flooding, urban planning, Dourados, populational growth, legislation


Urban flooding is present in the reality of a large number of Brazilian cities. The result of disorderly development and lack of planning turns into a challenge for administrators, however we need to agree on development with urban environment planning in mind. This article looks at a panorama of flooding in the municipality of Dourados, MS, Brazil, its implications, control measures by the public powers and the need for integral planning.

How to Cite

Tamporoski, B. R. F., Alves, M. A. M., Silva, L. F. da, & Pereira, J. G. (2013). Urban planning and flooding in Dourados: the distance between reality and legality. Cadernos Metrópole, 14(27), 217–232. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/metropole/article/view/14788