Ideology in space production: mega-events as diffusion agents of the (neo)liberal ideology



urban models, mega-events, neoliberal urbanism


This work aims to examine the ideological aspects that permeate public policies and their relationship to urban spaces. It is based on the premise that mega-events, given their magnitude, have the potential for acting as diffusion agents of urban models. Relations of power and interests that direct the production of the urban space were analyzed to elucidate the urban characteristics associated with the accomplishment of mega-events. The work found that the strategies to hold mega-events are markedly targeted at the interests of the real estate market and are based on marketing strategies broadly represented by the neoliberal ideology.

Author Biography

Lucio Hanai Valeriano Viana, IBMEC-SP

Doutor em Ciências Sociais PUC-SP (2018); Mestre em Administração Pública e Governo EAESP-FGV (2009); Bacharel em Ciências Sociais PUC-SP(2006). Atualmente é professor do curso de especialização em Gestão de Políticas Públicas da COGEAE PUC-SP e Professor-Tutor do FGV-Online e do IBMEC (Damásio Educacional / UniFavip). É pesquisador do Observatório das Metrópoles - São Paulo e revisor da Revista da Direito da Cidade, Revista Íconos e da Revista Café com Sociologia. Possui também experiência em pesquisas sociais e consultoria de mercado.



How to Cite

Viana, L. H. V. (2019). Ideology in space production: mega-events as diffusion agents of the (neo)liberal ideology. Cadernos Metrópole, 21(44), 79–97. Retrieved from