Household arrangements and urban structure in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (2010)



Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, urban structure, household arrangement


The 1960s and 1970s brought changes to urban and family spatial structures, especially in developed countries, with transformations in work and residence macrostructures and emergence of new household arrangements. This paper aims to relate families to the (re) structuring of the urban space, considering the material reproduction of its individuals. We analyze the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, where the urban and household arrangements are more complex and diversified. We constructed a typology that translated the structure of the urban space according to the labor market and residential areas. Then, we superimposed on it the distribution of household arrangements and social vulnerability. Using the 2010 Census, we analyzed the relationships of different variables for the weighting areas.

Author Biographies

Pier Francesco De Maria, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Economista, Mestre e Doutor em Demografia pela UNICAMP. Atualmente, é pesquisador do Laboratório de Economia e Gestão (LEG-FCA/UNICAMP).

Luiz Antonio Chaves de Farias, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Geógrafo e Mestre em Geografia pela UFRJ, Doutor em Demografia pela UNICAMP. Atualmente, é bolsista de pós-doutorado do CNPq junto ao Núcleo de Estudo de População 'Elza Berquó' (NEPO/UNICAMP).



How to Cite

De Maria, P. F., & de Farias, L. A. C. (2019). Household arrangements and urban structure in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (2010). Cadernos Metrópole, 21(44), 281–303. Retrieved from