Urban walkways designed by João Batista Vilanova Artigas




Mots-clés :

Urban walkways, Vilanova Artigas, circulation, path


Modern architects operate with at least three fundamental notions: space, time, and movement. In the case of the walkways, the challenge is also to solve the problems of walkability in specific topographic constraints of the city. Based on documents available in the library collection of the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, this study analyzed the urban walkways designed by Vilanova Artigas in the 1970s for the city of São Paulo and the region known as ABC Paulista. The value of these walkways in Artigas’ work lies not only in the designed and constructed object, but also in his theoretical thought about circulation, connection, city, people, and architecture. A table was created with the drawings of the walkways and their main circulation elements. This study contributes to the appreciation of our architectural and modern urban heritage.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Ana Tagliari, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Campinas, SP/Brasil.

Arquiteta (Mackenzie), Mestre (Unicamp) e Doutora em Arquitetura (FAUUSP). Docente e pesquisadora (Unicamp)




Comment citer

Tagliari, A., & Florio, W. (2022). Urban walkways designed by João Batista Vilanova Artigas. Cadernos Metrópole, 24(54), 603–623. https://doi.org/10.1590/2236-9996.2022-5407