Media, Power and Truth

Discursivity of the Transgender Body


  • Claudio Noel de Toni Junior Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”



Female transsexuals, Speech and Media, Knowledge is power, Deconstruction


The work is structured on the approach of female transgender people who feel the need to change their bodies through facial and body transgenitalization surgeries. The objective is to perceive at three levels: the body, the legal aspect of the body and the media, the transformation that the knowledge-power resistances under Michel Foucault's approach apply to people who struggle as subjects of resistance to power. The role of the media is given by the creation of Tv Justiça that allowed all Brazilians to see the judgment of the Direct Action of Constitutionality by Omission (ADO 26) of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) which, given the absence of its own law, equates to homo and transphobia to racist practice. The discursive insurgency of groups and NGOs such as the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (ANTRA) in showing through the media, that there is resistance even though Brazil is the country that kills the most transsexuals in the world, with a life expectancy of 35 years. The Discourse is linked to media communicability nowadays by the discursive tool of the media of a globalized Internet that provides today, the information in real time, of what happens in the world, minute by minute, including the exclusion of the current representative of the government of who “prefers to have a dead child than to have a non-heteronormative child”. Phrase that will be discussed in the research results that, if transgender people are not included in what is understood by individual and even subject, the tendency is to increase deaths by the simple fact that they exist, because their image bothers so-called normative people, hate speech endorsed by a president of an already persecuted class. Judith Butler, Gregolin and new research on the subject, with emphasis also on the telenovelas of Tv Globo, have in their speech the intention of reducing the proliferation of hate speech, even with criticism from militants that in many cases the representations of the characters are not transgender and this may not represent the class, a fact that is changing with the formation of transsexual actresses. In all the factors addressed: bodies in transformation, legal and transphobic aspects, analysis of the discourse of voices that are not silenced by power, the media and the information that spreads to everyone through the reach of communication are linked.

Author Biography

Claudio Noel de Toni Junior, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”

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