Post-truth and the Effects of Liquid Modernity in Times of Covid-19 in the Brazilian Press
Communication, Covid-19, Post-truth, Liquid Society, TelejournalismAbstract
This article has as research the covid-19 pandemic during its first pandemic year crossed. Supported by authors such as Zygmunt Bauman and Pierre Bourdieu, the study aims to reflect the changing era in the field of television journalism and the quality of this communication in a liquid society hostage to the post-truth. In the comparative analysis between the television News: jornal Nacional (Tv Globo) and Jornal Record (TV Record) of 03/25/2020 – Meeting of the President of the Republic, Janir Bolsonaro, with the Governors of the Southeast Region, the descriptive documentary methodology was used to demonstrate which News program chose to be more critical to the federal government and which was more favorable to the government of the State of São Paulo and, in what way, demonstrated these positions in the television news broadcasts.
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- 2023-12-28 (2)
- 2023-03-25 (1)
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