Social Origin and Career
Merit and Contingency Among Graduates
Public Administration, Career, Educational inequalities, Higher education, Social classAbstract
The problem of educational inequalities evidences the influence of social origin on aspects that involve the access and permanence of students in higher education and along the professional trajectory. This article aims to analyze the extent to which the Public Administration Course (CSAP) of the João Pinheiro Foundation (FJP) is affected by the reproduction of class structure, either from the perspective of the students or from the perspective of the graduates, in the light of the theoretical framework of Bourdieu and Lahire. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the students and graduates of the Public Administration Course of the João Pinheiro Foundation was carried out. The quantitative approach provided a profile of the group studied, from the analysis of variables related to the origin of the class. Interviews were used to understand the specific paths of the subjects interviewed. Corroborating with studies of the sociology of education, it verified statistically that the social origin affects the chances of access to the course. On the other hand, among individuals from the popular classes, there are those who overcome the entrance barrier and build trajectories of academic and professional success. Thus, through a qualitative analysis, it sought to glimpse the factors that made it possible, as far as this group is concerned, access to the CSAP and the permanence in the career. The importance of the secondary socialization, the scholarship assured by the course, the guarantee of the entrance in the public service provided with the graduation and the persistence was confirmed, corroborating the theory.
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