Reflections about Research Methodologies

Collaborative Perspectives in Critical-Educational Investigations


  • Laure Kloetzer Université de Neuchâtel
  • Wanda Maria Junqueira de Aguiar Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Sueli Salles Fidalgo Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Cultural-Historical Theory, Critical Methodologies, Clinic of Activity, Trans-Formation Research, Critical Collaborative Methodology


Written in three languages – though not translated into all of them – this tripartite text’s aim is twofold: First and foremost, it aims at providing an overview of a course - three courses in one - delivered over the European Spring and Brazilian Autumn of 2021, in partnership by the three authors to their Master’s and Doctorate students, i.e., to participants of the three universities where they lecture, providing a sound discussion and broad overview of critical collaborative research methodologies, especially those that are developed bearing in mind the cultural-historical studies as per L. S. Vygotsky (1924-1934). The course was organized from the initial and central idea of creating an opportunity to deepen the understanding of the aspects that bring the work of the three researchers closer and differentiating the work of the three researchers - Activity Clinic, Trans-Formation Research, Critical Collaboration Research - and their research groups, especially regarding the methodologies employed and their work with education professionals Results show that the three methods are, to a greater or lesser degree, supported by concepts such as contradiction, collaborative work, instrument-and-result, dialectics, totality-uniqueness, sense and meaning (or signification), among others. Secondly, this paper aims at briefly explaining that the thematic issue of the Journal Educational Psychology has also received contribution from other colleagues - whilst some authors were invited to contribute with their view on specific aspects of the cultural-historical theory and/or the methodological possibilities that can be developed from these studies, other writers who have contributed to this thematic issue took part in the above mentioned course, and either provided a text on their view of what was discussed, the research methodologies and their bases, or on the main ideas arising from the debates for their thesis/dissertation thesis’ methodological organization.


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