The Metropolitan Cathedral of São Paulo by Maximilian Emil Hehl (1891-1916): history, art and architecture religious eclecticism in São Paulo.


  • Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos



History of Sacred Art, São Paulo, Cathedral, Maximilian Emil Hehl, Neo-Gothic


This article presents the recent literature about Cathedral of See considered from the History of Arts perspective in São Paulo. After highlight some functional, stylistic and historical data about the building idealized by Brazilian Archbishop Dom Duarte Leopoldo e Silva (1867-1938) and designed by German engineer Maximilian Emil Hehl (1861-1916), will be highlighted the most important artistic aspects of architecture and Works of Art gathered in the paulist sacred buildings. The article also highlights the Cathedral in its connection with the history of the city and the Archdiocese of São Paulo.

Author Biography

Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos

O autor é graduado em filosofia e teologia pela Universidade Pontifícia Bolivariana (UPB), de Medellín, e mestrando em teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Participa dos grupos de Pesquisa República das Letras e Dimensões Proféticas do Antigo Israel.


