The dialogue in the Christian and Jewish Traditions. The Catholic Church and the Jews, a dialogue under construction


  • Alberto Milkewitz



dialogue, pilpul, Talmud, Buber, Nostra Aetate, Points of Seelisberg, Points of Berlin


The author presents his views on the factors that led the Church to dialogue with Jews, after a history marked by Catholic rule and persecution of the Jewish people. Also exposes some biblical Jewish contribution to the topic such as technic of discussion / study called pilpul and the content of extensive discussions found in the Talmud, that demonstrate the central role that dialogue and philosophical inquiry have in Judaism. It also adds the contemporary Jewish contributions to the universal thought made by the philosophy developed by the Jewish thinker Martin Buber, corroborating the central and uninterrupted place of dialogue in Judaism since its birth. Throughout the presentation connections are made with the Nostra Aetate Declaration, showing the Church key position in the theme of dialogue with the Jews and the 10 points of Seelisberg and the “12 points of Berlin”, result of the interaction between Christians and Jews after the Holocaust.

Author Biography

Alberto Milkewitz

Alberto Milkewitz: psicólogo; graduado em Administração de Organizações sem fins lucrativos por “The Hebrew University of Jerusalém” (Schwartz Program) em Israel; estudou no Seminário Rabínico Abarbanel – São Paulo; Mestre e Doutor em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP).


