Youth in Mission: Prophecy and Spirituality


  • Emerson Sbardelotti Tavares Mestrando em Teologia Sistemática pela PUC/SP



Mission, Prophecy, Spirituality


This article presents and suggests reflections for today's questions about youth while holder of prophecy and spirituality, in a globalized society, where there is an inevitable change of values, increasing individualism, fundamentalism, violence and extermination of young people. Develops the theme from the reality in which is inserted the youth, and how the same understands and experiences the prophecy and spirituality, accentuating their vocation, availability for the mission, their spontaneity, their humor, their rebel energy who puts on a collision course with old answers that no longer satisfy their curiosity and their objectivity, their presence in the ecclesial community services or just almost silent and participation without pretense whatsoever in the celebrations of the Word and in the Eucharistic celebrations. Works fundamentals but necessary for a church that might not want more talk of injustice and of poor and already convinced that the word died. If there are young prophets, where are they?


