Theology at the University - Knowledge and Presence in Dialogue


  • José Ulisses Leva Doutor em História Eclesiástica pela Universidade Gregoriana de Roma



University, Theology, Dialogue


This article Theology at the University wants to be an itinerary for the understanding the role of Theology and for maintaining the efficient dialogue with the society in which we live and we are in. It is a reason for joy and hope having PUC in São Paulo. Under the light of the Scripture, the Magisterium of the Church and the Apostolic Tradition and inserted into the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, the Faculty of Theology Nossa Senhora da Assunção ensures the firm dialogue with the world. In tune with the Church Unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, Theology provides a secure service to society. Competent in its knowledge, the Theology contributes with the university. It is a favorable time to partnership of knowledge for the common good.


