The Mission of Christ: meeting with humanity and failure to meet with the religious culture


  • Jedeias Duarte



Missio-Dei, Samaritans, Cultural Para-digms, Missionary Strategy, Contextualization


This article intends to analyze the mission of Jesus Christ from the meeting with the Samaritan woman (John 4,1-43), observing some missionary actions that resulted in disruption of some paradigms of cultural and religious structure that distanced Jews and Samaritans for over 400 years. It indicates that in the rupture with religious and cultural paradigms is possible to observe the simplicity of the gospel and the extension of the mission of the Church, which pilgrimage is fruit of the Son of God as the One sent to the world. Finally, walks on the slope of pointing out that the dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman is the foundation and strategy model for the missionary Church in the contemporary world.

Author Biography

Jedeias Duarte

Mestrando em Teologia pela PUC/SP
Doutor em Ministério pelo Reformed Theological Seminary – Jackson/Mississippi – EUA
Mestre em Missiologia pelo Centro Evangélico de Missões (CEM) – Viçosa/MG
Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito do Vale do Rio Doce – Gov. Valadares/MG
Bacharel em Teologia pelo Seminário Presbiteriano do Norte – Recife/PE


