The Body and its relation with the Sacred


  • Luiz Gustavo Santos Teixeira Mestrando em Teologia pela PUC/SP



Rite, Body, Human Being, God


In the current secularization of religion nowadays, particularly of Christianity, we see that in the celebrations of the sacraments, specially Baptism and Eucharist, people are looking for something to give their lives sense, that they even don’t know for sure what is, but through the liturgical rites, expressed by the body language, try to make life in accordance with faith, even though still in a superficial way. Through the theology of the sacraments, theology of revelation and anthropology we realize that the relationship between the human being and God is still very present and currently up-to-date, and not something "unknown" or even "lost". Thus, the human being is still seeking a close relationship with the Being who created him at His image and likeness that can be realized and manifested in liturgical celebrations, not forgetting the communal character of each liturgical act and its expressions.


