Law, pregnancy and Theology - between the Hebrew Bible and contemporary society


  • Maria Gisele Canário de Sousa Mestranda em Teologia pela PUC/SP



Hebrew Bible, Law, Pregnancy, Exodus, Woman


The law in the book of Exodus 21.22-25 presents the situation of a pregnant woman who is at risk of being hurt by men who are dueling each other ~yvin"a] WcN'y-ykiw (and when men fight). From the perspective of the law that guides the Ancient Israel’s cultural, ethical and religious practices, we will present this article in order to realize the reality of the pregnant woman. The methodology is to analyze semantically the literary style of the pregnant hrh in the Hebrew bible. After reading the law in the Ancient Israel we will get to see the current reality of the situation of pregnant woman in the socio-theological perspective. We note that the laws are more related to protect the fetus - abortion - than the mother, resulting in possible moral relativization that aborts justice acts in relation to the pregnant woman.


