Church’s mission and the laymen – Routings of a Council still under construction


  • Mariane de Almeida Silva Mestranda em Teologia pela PUC/SP



Church, Mission, Vatican II, Laity, Dialogue


Fifty years later it is still necessary to talk about some decisions of Second Vatican Ecumenical Council regarding the role of the layperson as the Church's mission participant and also its fundamental role concerning the dialogue between Church and the world, as discussed throughout the Council and singularly in the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes. It can be seen throughout history that the layman, somewhat, could see himself forgotten, taking part in the Church passively. This thought, however, is changing from what was said at the Council as its several documents show: the layman as a transforming agent in the Church but, more essencially, out of it, it is recognized its important role as participants in the mission. So we talk about the Mission of the Church and the Council contributions to this new understanding of the laity, the role of the layperson in the Church, the importance of dialogue between the Church and the world and finally, the layman as the main agent in this dialogue.


