Spirituality and popular piety: An ecclesiastic proposal and way of sanctification for the simplest


  • Alexandre Augusto Siles Mestrando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)




Layman, Baptized, Church, Ministery


The purpose of this article is to propose in a simple and healthy way, a transforming re-reading on the relationship between the ordained ministries and the lay mission, especially concerning lay spirituality as ecclesial cooperation. Indeed, since the time of Jesus, the lay leadership, as cooperator to evangelization has always been emphasized and well taken by the Master. This way, it can be seen how much the Church needs this help. Not for less the II Vatican Concil’s Decree Apostolicam Actuositatem says that the lay faithful is essential to the Mission of the Church. So, among so many guidelines, the same Decree calls us to renew and enhance the missionary zeal with the lay apostolate in the inner Church. In this sense, there is an urgent need for the implementation of the order requested in the Second Vatican Council to the current times, aiming its actual implementation and not only in a distant theory. It is in this perspective that the 5th CELAM, held in Aparecida, emphasizes once again the indispensability of the lay as fruitful ecclesial mission developer. Finally, we see many lay baptized believers in their exercise of not ordered ministers that provide rich subsidies to sanctify life in church.




