The globalization of hope, which is born from the people and grows among the poor – a proposed change for a time of changing


  • Dimas de Macedo Filho Mestrando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)



Social movements, Change, Society


The society is undergoing a period of significant changes at all levels. The Church within this historical context also is going through an important time of changing. The recent choice for Cardinal Bergoglio to become the pope, the choice of papal name "Francis", the practical attitudes and speeches of this Pope indicate this path of changing. This proposal is in the context of a society marked by unbridled consumerism, the idolatry of money and, as he says, for an "exclusive globalization," especially of the poorer classes. Therefore, he proposes a globalization of hope that aims to overcome the globalization of exclusion and pessimism on this social reality. This hope for changing has its main protagonists: the humble, the poor and the excluded. Therefore, to accentuate this new proposal of his pontificate, there will be taken as a reference a speech that Francis made to the social movements of Bolivia in his pastoral visit to that country, as the keynote speech was marked by the word "change".




