Family, Work and Employability


  • Antônio de Pádua Santos



Family, Work, Unemployment, Employability


This article starts from the Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia regarding the importance of work for the constitution and stability of the family. This is a biblical theme that concerns both the personal reality, the family, and the conservation of nature. The concern of the Church with social issues has always been present. The events arising from the industrial revolution, raising questions of justice, and highlight the cause of the workers, derived from the conflict between capital and labor, prompted the promulgation of the first social encyclical, the Rerum Novarum. The globalization and the technology have brought changes to the world of work as well as to the whole of society. These changes require people to constantly update themselves in order to adapt to the new reality. The term employability has appeared in debates at the Academy, in the world of work, and in public policy discussions in Brazil. The Work, the more developed the society becomes, the more it specializes, and its updating will accompany the technological advances that it allows and helps in the other areas in which human effort is applied. In addition to the paradigm of social life, work has the dignity of a scope in which the personal and social vocation of the human person must be fulfilled. Employability as a way to remain active in the labor market requires that the individual seeks to match what corporations need for their development and require their employees to integrate into the teams that make up the company.

Author Biography

Antônio de Pádua Santos

Mestrando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)




