Claretians and pastoral challenges - Church that goes forth


  • José Ulisses Leva



Contemporary Church, Claretian fathers, Pastoral Challenges


The Claretian fathers had a meeting in July 2014 in the city of Jundiaí, during the preparation of the Provincial Chapter, which took place in 2015. Inspired "in the joys and hopes, in the sorrows and anxieties" presented in the GS Pastoral Constitution, n. 1, of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, the capitulants went to the sources of the birth and charism of the Congregation. Living the salutary motivations of the 120 years of presence in Brazilian lands celebrated in 2015, they proposed to study the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium of Pope Francis, in order to better understand the pastoral challenges as Claretians in the Church of Christ Jesus present in Brazil and they launched in the proposal Presented by the Pontiff on the outgoing Church. The article 'Claretians and the pastoral challenges – Church that goes forth' is part of my collaboration with the Chapter fathers, who gathered together sought goals and perspectives for the transforming and evangelizing presence as Claretians in Brazil.

Author Biography

José Ulisses Leva

Doutor em História Eclesiástica pela Universidade Gregoriana de Roma. Professor na PUC/SP




