Catechesis: Preparing for the Feast of the Eucharist


  • Benedita Izabel Rosa



Feast of the Eucharist, Catechesis, Supper of the Lord, Communion


The present article aims to think about the dimension of the preparation of the Party of the Eucharist through the Catechesis. knowing - in accordance with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and some documents of the Teaching of the Church, such as Sacrosanctum Concilium and Sacamentum Caritatis - that the Eucharist is “a fountain and top of the whole Christian life”, since this sacrament “contains everything quite spiritual one of the Church, to knowledge, Christ himself, our Easter.” With effect, the Eucharist is par excellence the mystery of our faith and it has an inexhaustible wealth: there is the supper of the Sir, the fraction of the Bread, communion, and assembly Eucharistic, Memorial of the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord, divine Liturgy and saint Mass. For all that, it is relevant to think that the catechesis is the moment privileged to present all the beauty of this Sacrament, allowing that the children and young persons could know, love and Jesus Christ Eucharistic takes communion, anticipating here in the earth the eternal Feast of the Heaven.

Author Biography

Benedita Izabel Rosa

Mestranda em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)




