The earthquakes, the calamities and God


  • Prof. Donizete José Xavier Teologia PUC-SP



Catastrophe, Theodicy, Justice


Before Earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and China, with many victims and mostly poor and innocent, not a few who wonder: God is Good and Omnipotent? So why not prevent such calamities? By allowing the tragic death of so many innocents? Articulating these questions with the question of faith of God's revelation, the text presented is an attempt to say that faith in God can not be real scandal of the margin of innocent suffering, but through it. And without exhausting the subject because there are no clear answers to all disaster relief of pain and suffering of human beings seek to emphasize the responsibility of Christian and human universal character, ie be in solidarity with the victims is to take from them a attitude in favor of a universal ethics of human beings.

Author Biography

Prof. Donizete José Xavier, Teologia PUC-SP

Mestre em Teologia Dogmática e professor assistente da Faculdade de Teologia da PUCSP.


