Caring for the Common House: everyone's commitment


  • Benedita Izabel Rosa Mestranda em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)



Common Home, Responsibility, Ecumenical Fraternity Campaign, Justice


In 2016, the theme chosen for the Ecumenical Fraternity Campaign (CFE in Portuguese) was: "Common House, our responsibility." Organized by the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil (CONIC), CFE has the overall objective of ensuring the right to sanitation for all people and commit ourselves in the light of faith, public politics and responsible attitudes to ensure the integrity and the future of our common home. The book of the prophet Amos, who inspired the motto of this campaign, "I want to see the right sprout as the source and run the justice which stream that does not dry out." (Am 5:24), is a revelation that also at that time had already acute social crises based on economic progress did not translate into equality and justice for all. In this line of thought, also include the thought of Pope Francis contained in his Encyclical Letter: Laudato Si ', therefore, its content covers the same reasoning Text-Base CFE/2016. To prevent such a relevant subject is forgotten, it is proposed, the objective of this Article, the constant resumption of the reading of the documents referenced herein, whose reflections can contribute to awaken in us a consciousness that materializes in responsible attitudes towards the preservation of our Common Home.




