Analysis of the book of Esther: the political action of the Brazilian Christian and the experience of God


  • André Anéas Mestrando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) Bacharel em Teologia pela Faculdade Teológica Batista de São Paulo Professor na Faculdade Teológica Batista de São Paulo Pastor na Igreja Batista Mundo Novo



Religion, Policy, Esther, Experience of God


We draw attention to the political-religious relationship developed by christians in the secular environment of brazilian politics. The latest news portal pointed out that God's name was quoted 59 times, almost the same amount of times as the term "corruption", in the Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment vote in the House of Representatives. Do these politician's faith experiences impel them to these kinds of statements - or does their God require them? Or is it that the doctrinal teachings of these christians lead them to such political-religious pronouncements (more religious in this case)? It is the objective of this research to propose a way for the brazilian christian to develop his political life in harmony with his experience of God and in harmony with the secular reality of the Democratic State of Right. The book of Esther, present in the catholic and protestant canon, whose predominant subject is the political relationship between the characters of history, provides us with principles that help us in this kind of relationship. In addition, Joseph Ratzinger helps us to deepen the relationship between politics and religion and John Calvin collaborates to the extent of the meaning of the experience of God reported in the book of Esther (prayer and fasting). These principles of Esther added the opinions of the theologians with whom we dialogue collaborate so that this contemporary christian can govern his political life in a way that is coherent with his experience of God and in a coherent way with the brazilian political environment.




