The Theology of the Cross according to Jürgen Moltmann and the Prosperity Theology under discussion


  • Fernando Cardoso Bertoldo



Jürgen Moltmann, Theology of Prosperity, Theology of the Cross, Theological Debates


Nowadays, the advancement of the Prosperity Theology (PT) can’t be not observed due to the growing number of neo-Pentecostal churches that adopt the principle of a Christian God directly linked to the issues of prosperity, once being financially successful requires the approval of a god actionable and subservient. Thus, questions arise about the differences between the TP and the wellknown theology of gratuity found in the Bible. We agree with Moltmann's assumption that the resurrection does not get empty in the cross, but fills it with meaning. From this perspective, we perceive that the relationship with the Father is no longer marked by omnipotence, but by the helplessness surrender and solidarity, that is, the relationship is no longer marked by the contest of omnipotence, it is no longer measured and oriented by narcisism and by the deprivation as renunciation of instincts demanded by the God of illusion aiming a retribution as final justice, but by analogy.

Author Biography

Fernando Cardoso Bertoldo

Doutorando em Teologia pela Escola Superior de Teologia de São Leopoldo (EST/RS)

Mestre em Teologia e Bacharel em Psicologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC/RS)


