God as Creator: a proposal of relationship between science and theology





Creator, God, Science, Theology


The present text deals with some of the ways used to argue in favor of the existence of God. It seems, however, that an appeal to the arrangement of the world in order to evidence the truth of theism faces a number of limitations. The central hypothesis of theistic worldview, however, is consistent with the assumption of science itself, an intelligible universe being what one would expect from a reality created by someone intelligent with purpose. The approach of focusing on the cognoscibility of the world, although not eliminating the doubt about the existence of God, seems to be a more promising proposal, in the context of the dialogue between science and theology, than the proposal that focuses on gaps in human knowledge, in order to fit God in these gaps, since the previous one, contrary to this, can’t be eroded by the progress of scientific knowledge.

Author Biography

Robson Barbosa Silva, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB) Miami International Seminary (MINTS)

Licenciado em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB).

Mestrando em Estudos Teológicos pelo Miami International Seminary (MINTS).




