Cyberspace: an Appeal to Theology


  • Ideylson da Silva Vieira dos Anjos Teologia, PUCSP



Cyberspace, Cyberculture, Theology, Anthropological Space, Religion


The impact of cyberspace with new forms of production, circulation and consumption of information has been so great as to reconfigure the life and thought as such? Education, culture, the whole construction of the anthropological spaces and even how to communicate with the sacred are affected by this question which arises from the human confrontation with the Internet. The article is to critically examine the response of Pierre Levy; one of the first intellectuals to answer this complex question, confronting a few pages in his position and other critical theorists, defining the scope of production of the new plan as a virtual reality from which we should discuss the parameters of a new way to communicate with the sacred. There are no answers, but rather basic questions to think about this phenomenon today.

Author Biography

Ideylson da Silva Vieira dos Anjos, Teologia, PUCSP

Mestrando em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC-SP) Pós-graduado em Educação Sexual (UNISAL) Licenciado em Filosofia (UCDB-MS)


