Faith and Reason: Intellectus Fidei and Ratio Fidei


  • Renato Tarcísio de Moraes Rocha Teologia, UNISAL



Faith, Reason, The Intellectus Fidei, Ratio Fidei


Objective with this article a brief investigation of the relationship between Faith and Reason, specifically with regard to the understanding of the intellectus fidei and the ratio fidei as an unfolding theme. According to the encyclical Fides et Ratio, Faith and Reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to contemplation of truth. The desire to know the truth and therefore of God and of itself is considered as a divine vocation placed in the heart of man by God. While the issues of faith can pass through a rational treatment, faith has its own intelligence, not limited or specific in framing schemes relating to demonstrative reason, scientific or discursive.

Author Biography

Renato Tarcísio de Moraes Rocha, Teologia, UNISAL

Licenciado em Filosofia (USC) Licenciado em Pedagogia (UNISAL) Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas (UNISO)


