Spiritual root of the Theology of liberation
method and scope in dialogue with Gustavo Gutiérrez
metodologia, pobre, libertação, espiritualidade, GutiérrezAbstract
The proposal of this article is to revisit a part of Gustavo Gutiérrez’s work aiming to explore, from the epistemological point of view, his own theological method. In this study, we start from spirituality as the root of the big Theology of Liberation. It is, indeed, in the mystical-contemplative experience, later understood as Christian praxis, that the intuition for a structured methodology will happen in two intercrossed moments: on the one hand, the praxis as first act, a place of experience, silence, compassion and solidarity; on the other hand, as second act, the critical reflection, scientific, designed by the light of the first silence. This whole project, in order not to become theoretical sterility or a utopian, needs to be developed in the perspective of the poor in two ways: through the immersion in its own world and by using the support of the social sciences, even though it is necessary to use the Marxist analysis as the theoretical underpinning, read critically and vigilant to the theoretical incompatibility with the Christian faith. This spiritual-methodological path guides the Church to do a preferential choice for the poor, aiming an integral liberation, able to give an authentic testimony of the resurrection.
Key-words: methodology; poor; liberation; spirituality, Guitérrez
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