Missio Dei

The Mission is a mission for the Church and for Each One



Mission, Disciple, Jesus, Church, Gospel


This article deals with the mission of the church and the relationship of each individual in that mission. The church is presented in the New Testament as the community that recognizes the lordship of Jesus and relies on Christ’s own command to proclaim the gospel to all nations. God’s purpose, in establishing the Church in the world as a living witness of his love, is justified by the mission of the Kingdom, as it concretely manifests itself in history. To be on missions is to add souls to the heavenly Kingdom, is to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom, teaching and incorporating new followers into a community of faith, which professes a healthy faith, awakening in each life responses that meet human needs based on the order of “Go” by Matthew 28:18-20, in times of sociocultural transformations so significant today. So the mission is mission for the church and for each one.

Author Biography

Merlise dos Santos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)

*Mestranda em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Contato: merlisee@gmail.com


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