A Comparative View of His Attribute in the Perspectives of the Writings of the Prophet Malachi and the Writer to the Letter to the Hebrews
Immutability, Prophet Malachi, Epistle to the HebrewsAbstract
This study dealt with the immutability of the Most High God, through God the Father and God the Son, in a comparative view between the writings of the Book of the Prophet Malachi and the Epistles to the Hebrews. As a question was raised: Is there congruence in the worldviews about the immutability of God between the writings of the Prophet Malachi and the Writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews? In other words, are both authors in line with regard to the immutability of the Most High God? In order to solve the problem raised, the general objective was to identify whether there is agreement of the theological worldview on the immutability of God between the writings of the Prophet Malachi and the Writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews. The methodology used was that of a qualitative type of descriptive and bibliographic character. It is concluded that there is a biblical and theological basis to affirm that both writings are in agreement about the immutability of God, but one in the perspective of God the Father and the other in the perspective of God the Son.
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