The itinerary of the disciple of Jesus Christ in the light of the pericope the two disciples at Emmaus (Lk 24, 13-35)
Resurrected, Word, Sliced Bread, MissionAbstract
In this article, through an exegetical conceptualization, the itinerary of the paschal journey that the Risen Lord makes with the two disciples of Emmaus will be elucidated, as Luke brings in his pericope Lk 24, 13-35. In this itinerary, set out in the Lucan narrative, the two disciples of Emmaus, in the company of Jesus, the Risen Christ, listen to the Master's exhortation, receive, from the hands of Christ the Lord, the shared Bread and have an open heart to recognize, with ardor and joy, the mission of announcing that Jesus, dead in the flesh, did not conquer by the cross or by death, because He is risen and lives, walks together with the community. Thus, initially, the aforementioned Lucan excerpt will be exposed; and then it can be shown that Christ, by becoming a traveling companion, explains the Scriptures, breaks the Bread and sets the hearts of the disciples at Emmaus on fire, and of every Christian, for the mission.
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