The conceptual principle of play in Gadamer’s hermeneutics
openness to religious experience
Gadamer, Hermeneutics, Play, OntologyAbstract
The present work intends, from the hermeneutics developed by the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer, to investigate the concept of play and its relationship with the conception of hermeneutics beyond the epistemological scope, more precisely, in its ontological scope, that is, through the notion of play, worked by Gadamer, we aim to think from the epistemology of interpretation to the ontology of understanding, where every problem arises and affects itself. Point out, moreover, that in Gadamer, hermeneutics is not just the result of a technical procedure but is detached from the scientific method as the only way to reach the truth, which opens to the phenomenon of understanding (Verstehen) through the human experience of the world and religious.
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