Intratrinitarian relationships, a love without dependencies

Approach to the world of youth relationships


  • Alexandra Carrión Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Carlos Ignacio Man Ging Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuadior



Intratrinitarian relationships, affectivity, love, youth, dependency


We are immersed in a society marked by dependencies and attachments that restrict freedom and lead the person to nonsense, it is not less common to talk about these realities in the adolescent affective field. Dependencies that hurt and prevent a true path of growth. Hence the importance of illuminating them with the reflection of intratrinitarian relationships, an authentic love, of relationship, that transcends and penetrates everything. This wants to be a free itinerary, which gives way to a pure love, which builds and drives the young person to find himself, with others, with nature and with God. For this task we will use the participatory action research methodology, with the see, judge and act method. This procedure brings us closer to men and women in their wounds and potentialities and challenges us to be living witnesses of Trinitarian love.

Author Biographies

Alexandra Carrión, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

*Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Contato:  

Carlos Ignacio Man Ging, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuadior

Degree in Philosophy (University of Salvador), Psychology
(Gregorian University) and Theology (University of Chile).
Doctor of Human Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Munich, Germany. Master and Doctor in Literature (PUCE. Master in Theological Research. (PUCE)


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