The announcement of Jesus Christ in ecclesial praxis in the laltin american context


  • Elizeu da Conceição Università Pontificia Salesiana - UPS
  • Karolayne Maria Vieira Camargo de Moraes Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP)



Announcement; Conversion; Context; Pastoral., Announcement, Conversion, Context, Pastoral


In a post-modern scenario marked, among other characteristics, by the Covid 19 pandemic, by political neglect and by the crisis of faith, inside and outside the Churches, the proclamation of Jesus Christ returns as a challenge and an urgent need. Although the content of the message has the same foundation, over two thousand years ago, the way of communicating it is unique in each context. It is about making a performative message understandable, without it being altered by the interests of groups or movements. In this sense, the purpose of this article is to return to the sources of the Christian faith and understand the specific identity that characterizes the proclamation of Jesus Christ, as well as the transformations that occurred in this message throughout history. Then, our gaze turns to the current reality of Latin America, emphasizing the importance of experience as the first foundation of the announcement, the main interlocutors of this message and what are the contemporary loci theologici. Finally, an attempt will be made to shed light on today's history, presenting possible paths in order to obtain an effective and performative Christological announcement. The objective is, therefore, to question and understand what is the peculiarity of the proclamation of Jesus Christ and how to make it true and incident even today.

Author Biographies

Elizeu da Conceição, Università Pontificia Salesiana - UPS

Doutor em Teologia pela Università Pontificia Salesiana ± UPS. Contato:

Karolayne Maria Vieira Camargo de Moraes, Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP)

Bacharel em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP). Contato:


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