Cyberculture and Christian anthropology

lights and challenges for thinking about the human




Cyberculture, Christian anthropology, Human person, Corporeality


This article intends to present some elements of cyberculture, the great characteristic of today’s world, and from selected themes of Christian anthropology, propose a dialogue to point out some lights and challenges to think about the human. We will present some characteristics of cyberculture in the context of new relationships and the so-called cybercultural utopia with post-humanist characteristics. Then, the themes of Christian anthropology that we chose for dialogue, namely, the concept of the relational person, of being the image and likeness of God, corporeity and vulnerability, will allow us to point out a place to say what the human being is. in its complexity. In this dialogue, we believe that the Christian faith is enriched in the confrontation with cyberculture and, at the same time, presents some parameters for understanding what human beings and their actions are.

Author Biography


Mestre em Teologia Sistemática pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE). Contato:


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