Religiosity and popular culture in latin america
The ontology of original peoples as a condition for reflection
Ontology, Social Cartography, Culture, Religion, Latin AmericaAbstract
The society of the present time is composed of a multiplicity of happenings and events. The challenge of this article is to reflect two conditions, religiosity, and popular culture in Latin America. The two conditions mentioned went through several processes of deterritorialization and were radically transformed. Today is marked, among many processes, by secularization and neopentecostalism. Given this set, the objective is to investigate how liberation theories contribute to a current reading of religiosity and popular culture in Latin America. The objective will be developed by bibliographical analysis aiming at the presentation of a deleuzo-guattarian social cartography from the mobilized concepts. The mobilization pointed out three contributions of liberation theories for the current time, education as a power of hope; resistance to the individualized ideas proposed by secularism and neopentecostalism and the resumption of the idea of community. Construction will take place based on the recovery of the ideals of the original
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