The Human Person as object of God's Love, expressed in the Creation, Incarnation and Mercy


  • Antônio de Pádua Santos Mestrando em Teologia pela PUC/SP



Creation, Incarnation, Mercy


This theological argument job has three sections, each of them dealing with one of its aspects. In the first, on the creation, there are the data as presented in the Holy Scriptures, the development of creationist theology and confirmation that science and theology can illuminate each other since respecting each others' differences. In the second, on the incarnation, it is confirmed that God is not unfamiliar to his work because, after creating it, continued veiling about to send his Son to bring it to fullness. The Word became flesh, became man in the womb of Mary, so that human being could take part in the divine life. In the third, on the mercy, it is the divine attention to the most vulnerable human beings, and as such attention becomes central to the plan of salvation for those who knew Jesus Christ and want to be part of his kingdom.


