Liturgy and pastoral issues: controversies about rites and paths of unity


  • Marcelo Magno Rocha Nascimento INEP - DAES - Pesquisador-Tecnologista Centro Universitário Projeção - Escola de Negócios - Professor Uniplan - Professor Banco do Brasil - DITEC - Analista de TI



Liturgy, Celebrations, Liturgical Studies, Actions


This paper carried out bibliographical and documentary investigation on exploratory research with a qualitative approach in collect and analysis of data by consulting the sites and documents of various religious groups, systematizing liturgical and spirituality understanding, checking divergences and convergences and producing key considerations about liturgical and theological aspects and pastoral practice, to contribute with integral mission practice. Cults and religious celebrations in different churches and denominations have certain rites and actions that give them specific characteristics in order to allow its members to experience their faith in the celebrative space, at churches or in open spaces, this set takes the name liturgy. The so called Tridentine liturgy, while celebrative practices, is eminently clergy centered. The assumed liturgical language has become far from full understanding of most of the faithful. The great mass of Catholics could not deeply connect them with what was celebrated in its temples. With the opening of Vatican Council II and the discussions held under its auspices, on its subsequent sessions, there was a rethink that also intends to answer for the claims of local churches about various aspects of a liturgy that is more participatory. There is a set of tensions between those who remained in favor of the former rite, called Tridentine rite, and those according to the following rite set at the Second Vatican Council, both with allowed use by the Holy See. Differences between the rites, and theological and spiritual understandings alleged, the differences are not in the foundation of matter itself, since if we takes not the letter but the lex orandi spirit (issued rules on liturgy), both one and the other has the same requirements for the mystery celebration that is full of sacrifice dimensions, this deeply catechetical nature, and Passover, when Christ becomes present as sacrificial gift and scatological hope. It is found that on stir core is a necessary liturgical studies which influences on effective participation, in any of the rites, when used in the celebrations.

Author Biography

Marcelo Magno Rocha Nascimento, INEP - DAES - Pesquisador-Tecnologista Centro Universitário Projeção - Escola de Negócios - Professor Uniplan - Professor Banco do Brasil - DITEC - Analista de TI

Universidad Leonardo da Vinci - Doutorado em Ciências da Educação

Universidade de Brasília - Instituto de Psicologia - Departamento de Psicologia do Trabalho - Mestrado

Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil - Psicopedagogia - Especialização

Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil - Redes de Computadores - Especialização

Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil - Gestão Bancária e Finanças Corporativas - Especialização

Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados - Teologia - Bacharelado

Faculdade Entre Rios do Piauí - Filosofia - LicenciaturaInstituto de Ensino Superior e Formação Avançada de Vitória - Administração - Bacharelado   




