Education: a Church’s service


  • Terezinha Sueli de Jesus Rocha



Education, Church, Society, dignified life


Church and Education, a theme that is built and manifested in the fulfillment of the evangelizing mission requested by Jesus Christ, when he ascended into heaven. By assuming education, the Church perceives the world as a constantly changing reality and believes that the human being can, through his actions, change the course of society through solidarity and the struggle for a better world. As the key element of the educational process is equality, solidarity, autonomy, citizenship and fraternity, the Church places itself entirely within this perspective. Specially with religious education, the Church wants to act in such a way that every moment of her activity leads to a process of dignity, liberation and emancipation, like Jesus Christ. For the Church, education has, in the example of Jesus Christ, the best way to fulfill this mission.

Author Biography

Terezinha Sueli de Jesus Rocha

Mestre em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC/PR) Pós-graduada em Administração de Instituições de Ensino pelo Centro Universitário FAE/CDE Graduada em Pedagogia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC/PR)


