Communication media and religiosity. Mediations and media perspectives in evangelic conceptions of communication


  • Gloria E. Miguel Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (UNSE).


Evangelical, communication, radio, mediations, culture


The mass media and the cultural evangelical production constitute a part of the contemporary supply of communication. The article explores the conceptions of evangelical communication of an international Evangelical broadcasting station that takes part in a Latin American radio network. The main question is how the discourses both accessible at the website of the radio station and in communicator training courses integrate religiosity and media culture. It will be shown that the use of media diversify the traditional manners of the communication in the contexts of the churches’ religious services. At the same time one can identify patterns of communication characteristic for the Evangelic media composed of  heterogeneous formats and expressions borrowed from contemporary media production.

Author Biography

Gloria E. Miguel, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (UNSE).





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