Symbolism and Liturgical Use of some Varieties of Octli among Ancient Nahuas. An Initial Approach


  • Elena Mazzetto Università Ca’Foscari de Venecia (Italia)
  • Natalia Moragas Universidad de Barcelona


Octli, Mexicas, Mexico, Food, Religion


This paper presents a first approach to the study of consumption of some varieties of octli - an intoxicating beverage made ​​with the fermented juice of agaves - used in the festive liturgy in the ancient Nahua of the post-classical period in Central Mexico. The work is focused on the analysis of a specific feast, that of Panquetzaliztli, "Erection of flags", which was held in the patron god of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli. In this religious recurrence, a specific type of octli, called matlaloctli, "octli blue", macuiloctli, "octli quintuple", was consumed. However, this research will attempt to decipher the symbolism of this fermented beverage relating it to the divine personality held in this ritual context

Author Biographies

Elena Mazzetto, Università Ca’Foscari de Venecia (Italia)

Doctora en Antropología por la Université de París 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Francia) y la Università Ca’Foscari de Venecia (Italia). Becaria del Programa de Becas Posdoctorales en la UNAM (México).

Natalia Moragas, Universidad de Barcelona

Doctora en Historia, especialidad Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología por la Universidad de Barcelona. Profesora de Historia de América en la Universidad de Barcelona. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación de Culturas Indígenas y Afroamericanas (CINAF).

