A Guide for the health of the body and the soul: The ideal of Catholicity proposed by the Italian priest Pietro Colbachini to Italian immigrants


  • Fábio Augusto Scarpim Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade (Uniandrade)


Italian immigrants, behaviors, ultramontane Catholicism, moral values, regulation.


This article highlights some aspects of a manual written by an Italian priest in order to provide spiritual guidelines for Italians who immigrated to Brazil at the end of the 19th century. According to the intention to spread ultramontane practices and to renew the Brazilian Catholicism through the immigrants, the manual is not limited to  religious and spirituals issues. Rather, it emphasizes various aspects of day-to-day life that could interfere with the ideal behavior propagated by the Church. Thus, the manual stresses issues such as morals values, education, marriage, combating sexual deviance, blasphemy and the drunkenness. The critics of some type of behavior and the necessity to regulate them indicates that the immigrants in their new surroundings did not follow the rules as expected.

Author Biography

Fábio Augusto Scarpim, Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade (Uniandrade)

Mestre em História pela UFPR. Atualmente, é doutorando em História pela mesma instituição. Professor do Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade (Uniandrade) e da SEED-PR

