Syncretism and migration Notes from Afonso Maria Ligorio Soares’ thinking


  • Wagner Lopes Sanchez PUC-SP


religion, religious syncretism, migration, interface and ruptures


In the last five years, due to the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011,the phenomenon of migration have become part of the concern of various sectors in global society. In the tension between having to leave their homeland and go to an uncertain one, the act of migrating is experienced by migrants as a rupture with their history. The starting point of reflection carried out in this article is the approach of Professor Afonso Maria Ligorio Soares. His research about the religious syncretism theme left a special contribution to theology. The course of the article includes two stages: firstly, it analyzes the syncretism category inside the author’s approach; and secondly, it examines it's contribution to the understanding of the migration processes.

Author Biography

Wagner Lopes Sanchez, PUC-SP

Doutor em ciências sociais e professor no Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados de Ciência da Religião, vinculado ao Departamento de Ciência da Religião, da PUCSP. É autor de artigos e livros publicados nas áreas de teologia e ciência da religião e um dos organizadores do Dicionário do ConcílioVaticano II, Paulus/Paulinas, 2015.

