Pictures, Books and Reading in the Renaissance: Knowledge and Rituality in the Complexity of a Changing World


  • Paulo Mendes Pinto Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa


writing, reading, printing, image, Renaissance


In this paper we discuss the changes that have taken place in the way of understanding the texts in the late Middle Ages, when two key events take place. On the one hand, the mechanization of editing practices with Guttenberg changes the symbolic dimension with the book; on the other hand, the Protestant Reform redirects part of Christianity to a way where the images are forbidden. Across these two events, the focus of our analysis will be on the reading of the texts and images, especially in the changing of the symbolic dimension and the sacredness associated.

Author Biography

Paulo Mendes Pinto, Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa

Dir. área de Ciência das Religiões da Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa; Inv. Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas «Alberto Benveniste» da Universidade de Lisboa

