Invited Paper – A Step Back: My Journey in the Psychology of Religion


  • Geraldo José de Paiva Universidade de São Paulo



Psychology of Religion, Teaching of the Psychology of Religion, Research in the Psychology of Religion, Work Group “Psychology & Religion”, Future prospects for the Psychology of Religion


Inspired on Belzen and Wikström´s Taking a Step Back and Belzen´s Psychology of Religion: Autobiographical Accounts, I review my journey in the Psychology of Religion: the beginning of my interest, Heider´s influence, my teaching in graduation and undergraduation courses, my post-doctorate in Louvain-la-Neuve, the contact with eminent European researchers, my role as an adviser for theses and dissertations, the creation of the ANPEPP’s Work Group “Psychology & Religion”, and of the Laboratory of Social Psychology of Religion, at the Institute of Psychology–University of São Paulo (IPUSP), my research supported by CNPq, the participation in national and international conferences, the acquisition of books and journals for the IPUSP's Library. Finally I present topics that I would like to have developed in another way, if not in the past, then in the future, if not mine, of someone interested in the area

Author Biography

Geraldo José de Paiva, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor Titular Sênior da Universidade de São Paulo. Coordenador do Laboratório de Psicologia Social da Religião do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo.

