Challenges of Spiritist Assistencial Work: Two Patterns of Acting


  • André Ricardo de Souza UFSCar
  • Pedro Simões UFSC



Spiritism, charity, assistential work, religious activity, institutional diversity


Spiritism is very much identified with charities in Brazil, which, in turn, plays an important role in social legitimation of this religious branch in the Twentieth Century. Sociologically, they constitute the materialization of Christian principal of charity, doctrinally considered in that field as the unique way to salvation. The Spiritist social assistance of major size occurs in mental hospitals and institutions of education for disabled, poor children, and young people. It takes also place in many worship and study centers, mainly, through the distribution of basic food baskets and trousseaux for newborn. This article summarizes the results of two research projects. The first one refers to Spiritist centers of Santa Catarina State, and the second one deals qith five assistential institutions of major size located at the cities of São Paulo, Garulhos, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi.

Author Biographies

André Ricardo de Souza, UFSCar

Doutor em Sociologia pela USP e professor adjunto do Departamento de Sociologia da UFSCar.

Pedro Simões, UFSC

Doutor em Sociologia pelo IUPERJ e professor associado do Departamento de Sociologia Política da UFSC

