Questions to Naturologists by the Study of Religion


  • Fábio L. Stern PUC-SP
  • Ana Luisa Prosperi Leite PUC-SP



Naturology, study of religion, tension with believer factor


This article presents questions to naturologists based on researches that have been carried out by scholars of religions since 2011. Due to tensions  among naturologists, such questions are usually not discussed through the official channels of naturology. The tensions can be explained by the three main causes related to the believer-related factor according to Pye’s theory: (1) exposure of structures not apparent to the adepts, such as the naturology’s religious interface; (2) comparison with different traditions, such as the intense and still current relationship between naturology and New Age, denied by a considerable part of its interlocutors; and (3) questions regarding certain discourses propagated by its leadership.

Author Biographies

Fábio L. Stern, PUC-SP

Doutorando em Ciência da Religião (PUC-SP). Bolsista CAPES

Ana Luisa Prosperi Leite, PUC-SP

Mestra em Ciência da Religião (PUC-SP).

