Memory, individual and religion: presuppositions for research on religion in the present time


  • Rodrigo Portella UFJF



Religion. Current history. Methodology


This article presents some assumptions for the understanding of the faith of the people and their relationship with the institution, addressing the relation that the construction of an individual identity and religious imaginary has with the memory, collective and historical. Afterwards, we present considerations about the construction of such imagery and its consequent practices and experiences as legitimate expressions of the definition of religion. The aim of the article, therefore, is to point out that historical research on religion, especially in the history of the present time, needs, before and fundamentally, to consider as its main source the life and expressions of faith of the people, more than the institutional sources.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Portella, UFJF

Doutor em Ciência da Religião (UFJF) com estágios de pós-doutoramento na PUC-Rio e Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Professor de Ciência da Religião na UFJF

